What is this space all about 🤔?

Manpa Barman
2 min readMar 21, 2022
Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

By nature, I am an extrovert who loves people and loves being loved by all. However, owing to all the experiences I had till my early twenties I have realized the necessity of keeping the personal and professional life in their own space. Integrating both can definitely invite a lot of happiness, but also a lot more stress in a long run.

I am blessed with lovely relationships and thus do have some nice experiences to share with the world. Sharing experiences in the form of vlogs might compromise with certain privacy concerns which I solely respect and want to be respected. Thus vlogging does not seem to be a comfortable option to me as of now. Hence I started this page to share all my experiences in the form of blogs thus serving my purpose of helping some unknowns in some part of the world. These blogs will include travel, education and maybe even personal opinions at certain times. A “Penned youtube channel” is what I may name this space in the medium.

Another reason behind this page is sharing my travels. Travelling is an awesome experience, where you are with your loved ones or sometimes even solo travel to a place. Vlogging at those times and being continuously conscious about what is being recorded in the camera, instead of enjoying the moments is not something I vote for. Someday I might explore this direction but blogs will be it for the coming few years for sure.

Third and perhaps the most “Millenial” (although I am not one😏 ) thought behind this page is that our life has become very fast-paced and we are severely lacking the patience to read and write things. We instead love to surface read the important information or watch a video using time stamps which of course is acceptable given the lifestyle. However, doing so, we also do miss out on a lot of important things and eventually lose patience and calmness day by day. Hence my initiative to write things out and preserve them.

I love learning about people and their experiences so feel free to write to me about your experiences and life. I am open to long emails too.



Manpa Barman

Life is taking twists and turns. This space is to share my work and experiences so far.